Yoga With Suzanne | Proudly Trained And Associated With IYTA

About the Classes

My classes are not about being perfect, its about where your body CAN and will stretch and strengthen to, working your body in a comfortable place and environment. It doesnt matter what the person in front or beside you is doing its all about YOU and no one else....everybody is unique and so is their body! Yoga will stretch, strengthen and tone your body.

The room is airconditioned so the temperature is not too cold in winter and not too hot in summer. Yoga is wonderful for bringing us more peace in our lives and at the same time keeping us more flexible and strong. The classes change every week keeping them fresh and interesting!

The ability to relax maintains health and wellbeing amongst the rapid change and chronic stress of today's society.Relaxation and meditation enhances physical, emotional and cognitive function to enhance our ability to cope with daily life. Deep diaphragmatic breathing is very beneficial as most people do not breathe deeply and slowly, we're not even aware of our breath most of the time so with the awareness of the breath and guided imagery meditations which involve mental images sounds or invoking emotions deeply relax us and reduce fatigue as well as and lift our mood, we feel much more tranquil and serene. This aspect of yoga is just as, if not more important than the physical part (the asanas), but together yoga really is about body, mind and spirit!



Namaste, Suzanne  

Suzanne Jones Yoga Instructor

Suzanne jones
Yoga with suzanne

Beginners Yoga Classes



Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre
205 Reed Road
Trinity Park QLD 4879